About Me

So here I am, sitting in my living room, drinking a cocktail, watching Survivor and FINALLY starting this blog I’ve been meaning to start for so long.

Hi, my name is Morgan and I have an unhealthy relationship with my body. To some degree, I’m sure almost everybody has resonated with this statement at some point in their life. For me, this is a relationship I haven’t been able to mend since I was 10 years old. I am now a 26 year old woman and am on a journey to become a happy, healthy, and confident individual who can go day to day without worrying about my body or food in any major way.

However, this is me, 16 long years later with experience understanding that this is easier said than done. I’ve read books and articles, researched diet after diet, looked to family and friends, talked to doctors, and made (unrealistic) workout plans. I’m also not afraid to say that I’ve googled “How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks” (come on, I know I’m not the only one.) But you guys, I am so sick of tricking myself into believing these things are going to make me automatically happy. I am sick of trying to find quick fixes. I am sick of hardly trying to better myself just to be stuck again a few days later. And I am sick of trying to convince myself that I will be unhealthily happy without hardwork.

I truly want to be a confident, happy, full, fit, healthy woman. So this is my blog documenting my journey to become the woman I want to be. All the way from my awkward 5th grade self to my future “where I want to be self” and every funny, serious, TMI moment in-between. (God, this is gonna be so therapeutic haha).

I know it’s not going to be easy. I am going to need support, a lot….and I mean a lot of motivation and guidance, but I’m ready ya’ll!

So welcome to Sweet Scented Wildflower; A blog dedicated to remind myself and everyone else, that we are one.

Peace, Love, Sweet Scented Wildflowers

“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest—thick canopies of maple tress and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devestated.” -Beau Taplin