Happy Holidays!

New Years is just around the corner which means Holiday Season is almost over. I’m feeling bitter sweet about it. This is my absolute favorite time of the year. A time where you work less and spend more, cry less and drink more, and diet less, and eat more. I love it…and hate it at the same time (not the work less part). This is the time of year where I tell myself ‘I’m gonna eat whatever I want and not care’. Whats the point of your New Years Resolution to eat well, if you don’t eat bad during Christmas, amirite?

However, every year, there’s still this part of me that gets pissed at myself for letting myself indulge. I get the intrusive thoughts telling me that ‘if I eat this, I’ll be fat’. Or internally yelling at myself after eating. Super unhealthy, I know.

Was this year any different? A little. In more ways than one.

I honestly feel like my mentality this year was in a better place. Intrusive thoughts were definitely still there but this time I let myself have them, and then moved on and ate the chocolate I wanted so bad with only a little tinge of guilt afterwards. Thats what I call improvement.

Me and my family were also being conscious of what we were eating without being too obsessive about it. I love that we have each other to support and motivate. My aunt made these delicious turkey meatballs that were a great beef alternative. With the alternatives, there were still plenty of desserts, snacks, and drinks. A healthy medium.

So with the holiday season almost at a close, I can be honest and tell myself that no, I may not be happy with what I ate, or what I look like in the mirror right now, especially after the holidays, BUT I’m also going to be honest by telling myself, “Girl, move on! Take those thoughts and make yourself better because of them.”

I hope everyone had a happy holiday and let their cares go with loved ones, drinks, and lots of yummy food.

Peace, Love, Sweet Scented Wildflower.

“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest—thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.”
-Beau Taplin

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