True Life: I’m Terrified of the Scale

This past holiday season, I admitted out loud that I have a huge fear of getting on a scale and weighing myself. I don’t know how irrational of a fear that is though. Never have I ever had a healthy relationship with the scale. I was either obsessively weighing myself which was mentally draining or I was fleeing the scale at all costs.

Pandemic Weight Gain

During the pandemic, the latter is where I’m at. I have quite literally seen my body grow to a size I have never been to as an adult. Who needs to put a definite number to that growth. I didn’t want the scale to reiterate to me that I gained 20-30 pounds during the pandemic. I could see that in the mirror. In the place I was at, I knew it would be a huge mental setback I did not need, especially with all my other body image anxiety I already had.

My fear had gotten to the point where I don’t even want to go to the doctor because the first thing they do is bring you to the big ass scale that for some reason measured you to be 15 pounds over what you thought you were. Not today, hunty, not today.

However, in the past few months, with my motivation to live a healthier lifestyle and my journey to lose unnecessary weight And be confident in my skin, I began to see the usefulness of getting a scale. (Yeah, I didn’t even own one). I do want to have a starting point and see my progress. But I still couldn’t bring myself to buy one.

However, as a total surprise to me, for Christmas my boyfriend got me a Wyze Scale. You should have seen his anxiety ridden body as I was opening the gift up not knowing whether I would be offended or thankful. He didn’t know the extent of my eversion to scales, he did know I was serious about my want to be healthier so I am honestly so thankful.

It took me a few days to gather up the courage to get on the scale. It wasn’t helpful that I had just finished a week of eating holiday food and desserts. But I did it. I stripped down, (no way I’m gonna let my clothes add any extra weight, c’mon), stepped on the scale, and a number popped up. Not gonna lie, I wasn’t psyched about the number I saw, but I also wasn’t down on myself either. I’m proud of that.

The great thing about the Wyze scale is that it doesn’t just tell you your weight, it tells you your BMI, BMR, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, and much more. At first I was like, ‘whoa, I wish I didn’t know that much detail about my body and how unhealthy it is’. But in all seriousness, it was a wake up call. It showed me that I need to do more to better my health. And the amazing thing is that I have time to do so.

Check out Wyze Scale for some more info!

Me right now

I am honestly so excited to work hard, eat right, stay motivated and reap the benefits. Without becoming overly obsessive, I am going to do weigh ins weekly/biweekly to track my progress. I cant believe I went from running away from scales for years, to hopping on one multiple times a month.

In the end, how I face this fear is by taking all the time I needed. I waited until I knew I was ready. Lol this is so dramatic. I hopped on the damn scale.

Peace, Love, Sweet Scented Wildflowers

“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest—thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.” -Beau Taplin

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