Let’s Talk Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks Defined

“Stretch marks (striae) are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks or other places on the body. They’re common in pregnant women especially in their third trimester.”

-Mayo Clinic Staff

Awesome. Here’s the thing though, I’m not in my third trimester, I’m not even pregnant, bruh. Which means I gained weight very rapidly just on my own doing. Thanks, Covid…Nah, in all honesty, I can’t solely blame the pandemic for the stretch marks. My body is prone to them. My sister and I always joke how my skin is just… “different”. Like, we have the same tattoo’s but mine always come out looking thick as hell. They’re cute but they’re thick. I don’t know, that’s besides the point though. Lemme get back on track.

Puberty’s a Bitch

I first noticed my stretch marks in 8th grade after I got my period. My body really just decided to change completely…and quickly. It felt like overnight my boobs went from A’s to DD’s and my body went from prepubescent to not fitting in my clothes. Eating a bag of dill pickle chips on the couch didn’t hit the same after puberty. The chips were bomb, don’t get me wrong, but the way they clung to my body was not it, girl. So in turn, I ended up getting stretch marks on my thighs, boobs, love handles, and butt. I was mortified. Every summer I was nervous to put on my low rise bathing suits and let people see that I had stretch marks. I mean, It was a side effect of weight gain. I thought that was so embarrassing.

A Sign of Hope

I started losing weight my junior year of high school and was a bit more confident showing more skin. However, those damn stretch marks were still there. They did definitely fade a lot, but I could see them and that was enough.

Summer, 2015

I am very confidently aware in the photo above that I have stretch marks (I understand they are very light at this point). I lost weight, and felt good enough about my body to act like I was a model (lol) but I vividly remember placing my arm right there so it would hide the marks. They were the worst on my butt. Finally, one day I went to walgreens and got this overnight tanning spray in hopes spraying it on my butt would cover up the unwanted stretch marks in hopes I could feel 100% comfortable in my bikini bottoms. The spray tan didn’t do much so I really just had to come to terms with the fact that this is my body and I will have to be okay with that. And I was. I read articles and blogs about other women having stretch marks and I talked to friends who also had stretch marks. Both in which made me realize that I wasn’t alone. I mean, I knew I wasn’t the only one but I didn’t understand how many women (and men, really) related to me. So I was okay.

Pandemic Weight Gain

HOWEVER, as I said in a previous post, I gained weight rapidly during the pandemic and quarantine. With the weight gain came stretch marks. They came back with a vengeance. This time they were predominantly on my love handles. But they also popped up places I had never ever seen them before; my inner thighs, and my upper arms. I beat myself up about it. My own body couldn’t handle the weight I put on. At least that’s how I saw it. It was no longer low rise bikini bottoms. Hello, high waisted. Good thing I’m into high waisted pants. When I first noticed them, I tried to ignore them. When I couldn’t do that any more I got Mederma cream which is expensive. The bottle didn’t even last the 3 months it suggested you use it to see results. So I was stuck. I could either find another way to try to get rid of them, or I could realize that these babies are here to stay. I chose the latter.

Moving Forward

I know the insecurities I have are small problems compared to real world stuff, however, this blog is about my self confidence journey and everything in between. While I am on this journey to come to terms with my body and feel as confident as ever, it is a work in progress.

“Stretch marks don’t require treatment. They often fade over time, with or without treatment. They may never disappear completely.“

-Mayo Clinic Staff

^^^^^^And I am okay with that! ^^^^^^

We Are Beautiful

I admit, I am embarrassed of these stupid little stretch mark and I probably will be for awhile. And although I may not like the way my skin looks like when I see it in the mirror, I have to realize that it is OKAY, I am OKAY. I will continue to remind myself that all bodies are built differently and they are all beautiful. I will continue to remind myself that only I can allow myself to feel down about my body, so why not lift myself up. And I will continue to remind myself that stretch marks are a symbol of my growth (no pun intended).

Peace, Love, Sweet Scented Wildflower

“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest—thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.” -Beau Taplin


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